Financial independence this festive season

Knock Knock, Women. Who’s There? Mutual Funds


“There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish”, said Michelle Obama once. Given the participation or even dominance of women in several fields today, the only thing they can’t achieve is what they don’t want to.

Today, most women are not only physically or emotionally strong but are also viewed as financially powerful personalities. And, much of this can be credited to financial independence.

This women’s day, let’s strengthen this perception; this women’s day, vow to become financially independent if you aren’t already.

Why should women be financially independent?

  1. Emergencies won’t knock twice:Today you may have money for your needs and wants. What will happen when financial uncertainties suddenly wipe out your savings?
  2. Your family needs you:You have certain financial goals and so does your family. Can a single source of income fulfil them?
  3. The inflation demon awaits you:Be it under the pillow or in a bank, you may be saving for your favourite bag. But what if its price increases when you finally go to purchase it?
  4. Your children look up to you:You are a role model for your kids. Wouldn’t you want to be financially strong to inspire them?

Mere savings won’t help you achieve financial independence. To be truly independent, you must invest your money. And, investing in mutual funds may be a good option.

Why should women invest in mutual funds?

You may be eatingbhindi,tindeormethidaily but when you have guests coming over, why do you always emphasisepaneer ki subzi? Because it’s special. Likewise, there are several investment options but here’s why mutual funds are special.  

  1. Little money? No problem:Are you wondering how toinvest in mutual fundswith limited savings? You need not worry when there areSystematic Investment Plans (SIPs). You can choose the best SIP to invest with an amount as low as Rs 500. With SIPs, your chosen sum gets deducted from your bank account at regular intervals and gets invested in the mutual fund scheme of your choice.
  2. Divide and win:Mutual funds help reduce investment risks through diversification. Such funds invest across sectors, industries, themes, countries, etc. Thus, even though you put your money in a single financial product, it is invested in different securities.
  3. One for all:Want to go for low-risk investments? Try debt funds. Don’t mind assuming risks for creating wealth? Try equity funds. Want to strike a balance between risk and returns? Opt for hybrid funds. There are different types of mutual funds to suit different goals, tenures and risk appetites.
  4. Goal game:Mutual funds can help you fulfil different short-term, medium-term and long-term goals. To know how much you can earn with your investment, you can use amutual fund return calculator.
  5. As good as cash:Don’t think investing in mutual funds would mean blocking your funds. Except for tax-saving mutual funds, you can redeem your open-ended investments at any time.
  6. Manager at work:Just how you manage home and office efficiently, there are fund managers to manage your investment professionally. They allocate your money to different securities to maximise your returns.
  7. Axe that tax:If your income is taxable, you can even reduce your tax liabilities with mutual funds.Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS) is a mutual fund that helps you lower your taxable income by up to Rs 1.5 lakh in a financial year.

One investment, several benefits. So, the next time someone asks you, “Why mutual funds?”, go ahead and ask them, “Why not mutual funds?”

This women’s day, gift yourself financial independence and confidence with mutual funds.


An investor education initiative by Edelweiss Mutual Fund

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